Sunday, September 19, 2010

Seriously...I'm not ready

Hey bloggie what time is it? It's about 3pm already, what day is it? It's Sunday?? WHAT, Sunday???? OMG time has been running faster that I though, so tommorrow I must go back to school? Oh damn! I'M NOT READY to face Monday. School sucks. I'm sick of homework and assignment :( oh yea how are you all my homework? Math? Accountant? Sociology? What else? Do you miss me? If yes, I'm so sorry I don't miss you at all -,- lalalala

I hate exams
And the bad news is........on Tuesday I'm going to start the UTS aka Ujian Tengah Semester -_- oh mannnnn what the hell seriously I need MORE holiday grrrr wish me luck for the test guys! At least I can pass them all..AMEN and I'll try to update this blog If I have some extra time. Good luck for me, good luck for you and have a super duper nice day muaahhh :*




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