Sunday, September 12, 2010

I’ll see you soon..

"The problem with time, I’ve learned, whether it’s those first two weeks I got to spend with you, or the final two months I got to spend with him, eventually time always runs out. I have no idea where you are out there in the world, John. But I understand that I lost the right to know these things long ago. No matter how many years go by, I know one thing to be as true as ever was — I’ll see you soon then." -Savannah, Dear John

What does it mean to truly love another?
Hello bloggies! Emm I watched Dear John (for the third times) haha, sooo it's about a guy from the army John Tyree (Channing Tatum) who meets a college girl Savannah Curtis (Amanda Seyfried) on spring break, and all it took was 2 weeks for them to fall for each other, then he has to go back to his station for the war and all they did for a whole year was send each other letters back and forth. And then bla bla bla blaaaa I'm not gonna spoil the whole thing, you wanna know what happens by watch it yourself :p in my opinion this film is so UNYUUUUUU co cwit bangettt haha you know what I mean, soo what are you waiting for?



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