Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sweet :')

Pencil: Eraser, I'm so sorry.

Eraser: Sorry? For what?

Pencil: I apologize, because you hurt because of me. Whenever I make a mistake, you always have to erase it. But since you eliminate the mistakes, it makes you lose a part of you. You're getting smaller and smaller.

Eraser: That's true, but I don't really think about it. You see, I indeed was created to do so. I was created to help you whenever you make a mistake. Although in one day, I know I'll disappear and you should replace me with a new one, I'm certainly happy with my job. So, don't worry. I hate to see you sad.
  Me. Just like that eraser. I'll make you seems perfect even it hurts me :)

Ps: Wish me luck for religion and economy exams this monday, I'll do my best. AMEN. And for you there, I miss us. I miss how we used to be. What happened to all that?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Seriously...I'm not ready

Hey bloggie what time is it? It's about 3pm already, what day is it? It's Sunday?? WHAT, Sunday???? OMG time has been running faster that I though, so tommorrow I must go back to school? Oh damn! I'M NOT READY to face Monday. School sucks. I'm sick of homework and assignment :( oh yea how are you all my homework? Math? Accountant? Sociology? What else? Do you miss me? If yes, I'm so sorry I don't miss you at all -,- lalalala

I hate exams
And the bad news is........on Tuesday I'm going to start the UTS aka Ujian Tengah Semester -_- oh mannnnn what the hell seriously I need MORE holiday grrrr wish me luck for the test guys! At least I can pass them all..AMEN and I'll try to update this blog If I have some extra time. Good luck for me, good luck for you and have a super duper nice day muaahhh :*


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Galau time

Hell-o, I totally don't know what's my purpose on making this post, I just let my fingers typing without knowing what will it type then...oh yea I wanna share something to you

"Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU..The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her..." -unknown 
who is he?
So I'm just read that quote and one thing comes into my mind.. Is there a true gentlemen like that in this fuckin world? Oh c'mon please be more realistic, there's nothing perfect in this world -_- but from the bottom of my heart, I want it. Is it wrong? Everybody has a dream, right? HAHA the first thing we must believe that we come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Let love find you. That's why it's called falling in love, because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fall. Sooo where are you my MR RIGHT?

Am I "galau"? I think, yes.. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tulisan sederhana

Tidak perlu pakai intonasi tinggi,
kalau intonasi lemah lembut bisa menyelesaikan masalah
Tidak perlu pakai kekerasan,
kalau santai bisa menyelesaikan masalah
Tidak perlu gengsi,
kalau rendah hati bisa menyelesaikan masalah
Pada akhirnya? Semuanya sia-sia dengan ego masing-masing
Diam, pura-pura tidak peduli, pura-pura tidak saling membutuhkan

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Did you know?

Hey again readers! I found this when I'm just googling and I think I wanna share it to you..So just read this oh yea this is just for fun!

  1. When a girl bumps into your arm while walking she wants you to hold her hand
  2. When she wants a hug she will just stand there
  3. When you break a girls heart, she still feels it when u run into each other 3 years later
  4. When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running through her mind
  5. When a girl is not arguing, she is thinking deeply
  6. When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions, she is wondering how long you will be around
  7. When a girl answers, "I'm fine, " after a few seconds, she is not at all fine
  8. When a girl lays her head on your chest, she is wishing for you to be hers forever
  9. When a girl says that she can't live without you, she has made up her mind that you are her future
  10. When a girl says, "I miss you, " no one in this world can miss you more than that 
  1. When a guy calls you, he wants to be with you
  2. When a guy is quiet, He's listening to you
  3. When a guy is not arguing, He realizes he's wrong
  4. When a guy says, "I'm fine, " after a few minutes, he means it
  5. When a guy stares at you, he wishes you would care about him and wonders if you do
  6. When you're laying your head on a guy's chest, he has the world
  7. When a guy calls you everyday, he is in love
  8. When a (good) guy tells you he loves you, he means it
  9. When a guy says he can't live without you, he's with you till your done
  10. When a guy says, "I miss you, " he misses you more than you could have ever missed him or anything else
I don't know there are true or not especially for guys fact because I’m not a guy, I'm a girl. Just check your self, dudes! :) 

Should I say it loud?

As the times goes by, seasons change..
Things will never be the same..
Things have changed, time has been running faster..
No matter how good or bad thing you have now, it won't last forever..
Like us, now we're not like the "us" we used to be..
This may sound cheesy, but I really wish I could turn back time eventhough I know I can't..

"I wish life was a remote. Play the easy times, pause the good times, fast foward the bullshit and rewind the memories"
and I wish I could fly away and leave all the shit behind then find a new place to stay..

don't you?

Well, here I've told you,
I miss you.

Monday, September 13, 2010

A story before I go to bed

Yeay I got this for her, but where's she?
Hey do you see my lovely? Please tell me where she is
Oh no! Where I am? I think I'm lost -_-
I must find her. I miss her, too much
I'll do anything for her...groaaaa
Yipie finally I found you! Please don't leave me, I LOVE YOU


Hellow blogieee I'm back! Berhubung blognya masih baru gw sering nongol ya -_- haha I hope NOT yaaa suddenly I have one question in my mind... "have you ever had a secret that you keep by yourself and nobody doens't know?" 

So am I..

ya ya yaaa semua orang punya rahasia ga mungkin engga!(ngotot) :p well ga semua rahasia lo harus lo kasi tau ke orang lain walaupun orang itu uda deketttttttttttttt banget. Sometimes we need a privacy!
and for you, people who always wants to know please give them a privacy. Karena ga semuanya musti lo tau, penasaran? It's so humannn guys, take it easy! Intinya kalo emang orang itu percaya sama lo dia juga pasti bakal kasi tau dengan sendirinya gaperlu deh pengen tau aja urusan orang lain apalagi pake acara ngambek HAHA so last yearrr -,- oh yea one thing I wanna say for someone out there, hmm I know this is out of topic but I want you to know this...

you + me = us
I don't have the words to make you feel better, but I do have the arms to hug you & I have the ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about. I'm here for you dear.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Just a Minute

"You're still the one that I love, the only one I dream of and you're still the one I want for life"

HAHA wtf am I saying -_- today's Sunday and I have no idea what to do(again?!) soooo I am back here for the second post! Actually I dunno what to write in here but emm...OH YEA! While I try to find sumthin interesting on internet (jangan pikir jorok dulu! ._.)  I found a website where they list every single phobia known and I found some pretty funny ones! (it started when I was searching for "fear of school" and I clicked on the website...then taraaaaaaa!!! Here are some "interesting" phobias:

Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing
Cacophobia- Fear of ugliness
Chorophobia- Fear of dancing
Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of going to school
Dutchphobia- Fear of the Dutch
Kathisophobia- Fear of sitting down
Linonophobia- Fear of string

those are just some weird phobias. I mean seriously can you imagine someone running away and screaming their heads off just because of a piece of STRING? hell yeah -_-

I’ll see you soon..

"The problem with time, I’ve learned, whether it’s those first two weeks I got to spend with you, or the final two months I got to spend with him, eventually time always runs out. I have no idea where you are out there in the world, John. But I understand that I lost the right to know these things long ago. No matter how many years go by, I know one thing to be as true as ever was — I’ll see you soon then." -Savannah, Dear John

What does it mean to truly love another?
Hello bloggies! Emm I watched Dear John (for the third times) haha, sooo it's about a guy from the army John Tyree (Channing Tatum) who meets a college girl Savannah Curtis (Amanda Seyfried) on spring break, and all it took was 2 weeks for them to fall for each other, then he has to go back to his station for the war and all they did for a whole year was send each other letters back and forth. And then bla bla bla blaaaa I'm not gonna spoil the whole thing, you wanna know what happens by watch it yourself :p in my opinion this film is so UNYUUUUUU co cwit bangettt haha you know what I mean, soo what are you waiting for?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Life is NOT a fairytale

...and then they live happily ever after

Cinderella & Prince Eric, they live happily ever after. Who wants to have a love story like that? I guess everyone wants to have a love story like that. Me either. But, back to the reality: forever and happily ever after is only for fairytale stories.Sometimes what we want isn't same with what we've got. But yea that's life!  

"I'm NOT a child anymore and I understand that FOREVER doesn't exist"


I'm just wanna say...dungdung tek tektek duarrrrr! Bletakbletukk prangggg....

Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin. 
May peace, love & happines gather in your life :) 

*ps: buat yg ditinggal embaknya pulang, sabar ya! 
You are not alone guys! -__- 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First in Here


Well honestly this is not my first post, but this is my FIRST post in this blog :) sebenernya gw uda punya blog dulu tapi yaaaa seiring dengan berjalannya waktu gw lupa passwordnya apa HAHA -___- padahal itu blog uda gw buat dari 2008 hmm sayang? Iyalah! Tapi apa boleh buat life must go on! So here I am with a new blog, enjoy guys wohooo..


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