Monday, February 21, 2011

What's new here?

Gosh! It's been a month since the last time I wrote something on my blog. Everyday is inconsistent, a contradiction and far from agreement. In what particular way, do not ask. Why I didn't post sumthin new here? Because yeah I've to admit that I've been busy since it's my senior year..sigh. But I've been doing really fine, I'm pretty much enjoying my school life.

Well, you know my life has been quite hectic these days. UJIAN PRAKTEK --> UJIAN SEKOLAH --> UJIAN NASIONAL --> SNMPTN, I'm not ready for that things, ok not yet. This is hell, goshhh! -_- I'm so bored with my daily activities, must go to school, must take a course, must study and blah blah blah. I couldn't stand pretending that everything is going well 'cause there are so many questions that I couldn't find the answer. I just know that I'm so tired and the one I want is freedom. Oh please, let me free.

Boredom. I'm bored and tired. I want to be free as a bird. Just fly and go wherever I want. There's no need to worry because I have my own wings, yes I wonder if I could live alone in another city or country and go somewhere alone. This year, I'll graduate from this fuckin school (amen!) and I want to start my new life, better life. Start from today, I'll take my responsibility as a 12th grader student. 'Cause I don't want my efforts for 2 years at this school become futile and I want to make my parents proud of me. It just takes some elbow grease, FIGHT! Aheyyy~

In God, I trust & believe
These days I was so confused. It's like I don't know which step I should take since I don't exactly know where the way leads me to. All I think is 'what if'. What if I take this way? Then I can't find what I will find if I go another way? In contrast, what if I take the another way? Hmm yeah forget it. It'll become more complicated than I thought. What I know now is..I'm just trying to enjoy my life, my new boring routines with a new spirit and a big smile, eh? I must face this reality, 'cause I know that life never stops for anybody. Actually, I should really know the differences between 'what I need' and 'what I want' because sometimes they're just against each other. One thing you must know that I don't regret the things that I've done, I regret the things I didn't do when I had the chance.

Last but not least, special thanks for Jesus Christ, He holds my hands through these days. I wish He would hold me until the end of this battle. I believe there is no problem or no situation that God can't solve :) I know He is awesome in all of His ways. Wish me luck guys! Merci


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