Monday, May 2, 2011

Exams over, (probably) got Bieber fever

HELLO BLOGGIE! I'm sorry for the super late update, I hope everyone's doing well! These past three months has definitely been hectic (I have 3 kind of exams like I said before in my last post, excluding the SNMPTN test) and I definitely feel a lot better knowing that I got through all. There were definitely a few long draining weeks, but I managed to push through, study hard, and keep my head held high by God's help.

And the good news is EXAMS totally OVER ! Just put down your pen and drop your books everywhere you want! Haha I'm so excited, yeah I'm done with  exams thingy. It's official have been finished on 21st April, but just now I've time to share sumthin new here. Hehe my bad I know :p but still, wish me luck for my exams result readers! In the name of Jesus, I believe I'll get a good score. AMEN. So now I'm totally free to spend my time doing things I love. Actually there are so many things I wanna post here during the past month, but I couldn't because I though I shouldn't waste time on the net and totally devote my time for the exam preparations. And now it's finally over. Yeay! So when I think of sumthin cool, I'll update my blog immediately. It's a promise.

Anyway Saturday (23/4/11) was the day that I never forget, I went to JUSTIN BIEBER'S CONCERT @SICC with icha after a supah dupah long journey to get the tickets haha I won't tell you more about it, its too complicated to share the reason here. Back to the main topic, I couldnt lie that JB's performance really rocked up my night that day! Eventhough we must wait soooo long before we could enter the main hall. His performance was awesome! His smile, his voice, his hair, his style whoaaa everything about him makes me crazy for real! For God's sake, this is the best concert I've ever attended eventhough the promotors aren't too good. I dunno why but it seems like the promoters didn't  give the professional service. Sorry to say, it's just my opinion. 
We're new beliebers, eh (?)
Hmmphh ok back to the topic, JB's performance was extremely amazing. The lighting was also cool throughout the show, it was dominated with purple light. Believe it or not I still could remember the atmosphere exactly. It was so amazing, spectacular, fantastic oh what else? Maybe words can't never be enough to describe how cool his performance on stage. Really. You must see his performance first before you wanna say that I'm lying or too hyperbola.  He could hypnotic everybody by his performance naturally. I dunno why it could be happen, it just like he has sumthin special that others star didn't. And from now I understand why he got so many fans called "Beliebers" btw do you guys know about Beliebers and Bieber fever? What is Beliebers and Bieber fever? From uncle google I just found that Beliebers means "A fan who believes that dreams can happen because Justin did" and Bieber fever means "having Justin Bieber in your mind all day" haha maybe it sounds a bit awkward, but that 17th Canadian boy successfully made all the girls melt with his own way

Can you imagine? A young milyarder, multi talent, gorgeous, cute smile, hot body, know how to treats lady well, believe in God's path and another good things about him. OMG he's just too perfect to be true. He must be every girl's dream for having a boyfriend like him, including me of course haha. Ok check this out! I  will  share you guys some photos taken by us:
The euphoria was totally unbelievable
He's just too HOT to be true
"You guys really want I wanna sing one more song?" 
"YESSSSSSSSS! KYAAAAAAA" *thousand girl screaming*
"Really? What's song do you want?"
"Whattt? I can't hear you guys!"
"What? Louder pleaseee"
"Ok here we go..Oh hit me baby one more time~"
"Nooo it's Britney's -_-, babyyyy! ouooo...ouoooo"
*giggling then smile* "Ok baby sing it with me, ouoooo...ououuuu...You know you love me, I know you care~" *all beliebers singing along"

You got a great humor taste, J-Beebs 
nb: Bieber fever will haunt you asap ┌(_o_)┐

Monday, February 21, 2011

What's new here?

Gosh! It's been a month since the last time I wrote something on my blog. Everyday is inconsistent, a contradiction and far from agreement. In what particular way, do not ask. Why I didn't post sumthin new here? Because yeah I've to admit that I've been busy since it's my senior year..sigh. But I've been doing really fine, I'm pretty much enjoying my school life.

Well, you know my life has been quite hectic these days. UJIAN PRAKTEK --> UJIAN SEKOLAH --> UJIAN NASIONAL --> SNMPTN, I'm not ready for that things, ok not yet. This is hell, goshhh! -_- I'm so bored with my daily activities, must go to school, must take a course, must study and blah blah blah. I couldn't stand pretending that everything is going well 'cause there are so many questions that I couldn't find the answer. I just know that I'm so tired and the one I want is freedom. Oh please, let me free.

Boredom. I'm bored and tired. I want to be free as a bird. Just fly and go wherever I want. There's no need to worry because I have my own wings, yes I wonder if I could live alone in another city or country and go somewhere alone. This year, I'll graduate from this fuckin school (amen!) and I want to start my new life, better life. Start from today, I'll take my responsibility as a 12th grader student. 'Cause I don't want my efforts for 2 years at this school become futile and I want to make my parents proud of me. It just takes some elbow grease, FIGHT! Aheyyy~

In God, I trust & believe
These days I was so confused. It's like I don't know which step I should take since I don't exactly know where the way leads me to. All I think is 'what if'. What if I take this way? Then I can't find what I will find if I go another way? In contrast, what if I take the another way? Hmm yeah forget it. It'll become more complicated than I thought. What I know now is..I'm just trying to enjoy my life, my new boring routines with a new spirit and a big smile, eh? I must face this reality, 'cause I know that life never stops for anybody. Actually, I should really know the differences between 'what I need' and 'what I want' because sometimes they're just against each other. One thing you must know that I don't regret the things that I've done, I regret the things I didn't do when I had the chance.

Last but not least, special thanks for Jesus Christ, He holds my hands through these days. I wish He would hold me until the end of this battle. I believe there is no problem or no situation that God can't solve :) I know He is awesome in all of His ways. Wish me luck guys! Merci


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